2024 F4 Visit to Hong Kong Metropolitan University

The visit to the Hong Kong Metropolitan University for F.4 students was held on 4 July this year. Students were provided with a unique opportunity to tour both the School of Creative Arts and the School of Nursing and Health Studies.

During the tour of the School of Nursing and Health Studies, multiple talks were given to the students, enabling them to gain an initial understanding of the core subjects taught in the nursing and physiotherapy courses during the first two years. They were also given the chance to try out some of the most advanced and modern equipment used today, ranging from balance boards, VR/AR emergency training systems to high-fidelity patient simulators used in replicated hospital environments.

On the other hand, the visit to the Creative Arts department also equipped students with a brief idea of the 5 different bachelor's degrees offered. With tours around venues like the film studio, animation workshop, and recording room, it is undeniable that students were captivated by the innovative artworks on display and gained profound knowledge about the curriculum. Paulinians even role-played as news anchors and directors in the broadcasting studio, further enhancing their understanding of journalism.

To sum up, the visit has undoubtedly rewarded students with an extremely valuable experience, enabling them to have a clearer vision of their future studies, while also empowering them to pursue their desired careers in the respective fields.

2023-24 F4 Careers Workshop

The Careers Workshop for F.4 was held on 27 June this year. Through various activities and presentations, students were able to reflect on their personalities, strengths, and interests, allowing them to discover the career that best suits their needs and desires. Moreover, one of the most crucial components of the event was the interactive activity that required students to make life choices. All of the above activities have surely enabled students to learn more about themselves and explore careers that provide them with the chance to fully unleash their potential.

For the Human Library session, alumni of various professions, ranging from clinician-scientist-in-training, educational psychologists, speech therapists, physiotherapists, vets, general managers, to traders at international banks, have all shared their valuable insights and experiences of their respective occupations, while also providing precious advice on academic options. Students were all engaged and treasured the opportunity to gain more knowledge about both university and work life.

Towards the end of the workshop, all students were equipped with the essential information to plan ahead for their future, allowing them to make better career path decisions in the near future.

Overseas Study Talk

The AAS Education Consultancy was invited by the Careers Team to conduct a Talk on overseas studies on November 6, 2023. The talk was attended by all Form 5 students, along with around 15 parents of students from Form 3 to Form 6. The main focus of the talk was on further studies in countries such as the United Kingdom, Australia, the United States, New Zealand, and Canada. The speakers provided clear explanations to the audience regarding the differences in education systems across these countries, admission requirements for renowned universities, tuition fees, living expenses, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of studying in each country. Following the talk, there was a Q&A session where both students and parents actively asked many questions. Overall, the students found the talk to be helpful as they gained a better understanding of overseas study opportunities and the necessary preparations involved.


F6 PAUL Mock HKDSE Exam Results Release Workshop

The Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong's L.I.F.E. planning group conducted a workshop on October 17, 2023, for F6 DSE students. During the workshop, students received mock HKDSE Exam results slips with predicted grades provided by their subject teachers. This enabled students to assess their performance and make informed self-evaluations. Additionally, the workshop helped students understand how to select suitable academic programs based on their interests and academic achievements. Moreover, students had the opportunity to participate in mock interviews. Overall, F6 DSE students found the workshop valuable in providing realistic assessments of their current performance, allowing them to create appropriate study plans and make more informed decisions regarding their JUPAS program choices.

6ST Personality Dimension Workshop

During Ethics Lessons on 17 Oct 2023, F6ST students attended a Personality Dimension Workshop that was organized by the Careers Team and conducted by the Chinese YMCA, under the Funding Scheme for Youth Life Planning Activities (2022-25). At the interactive workshop, students gained a deeper understanding of their own personality traits and learned more about their strengths and weaknesses. In order to dig deeper into their characters, students were encouraged and inspired to explore various options; think, prioritise and evaluate as well as make thorough reflection through a set of tools, interactive activities and games. After analysis and results, each student was assigned one of four distinct personality types. In the last activity, students with the same personality type were grouped together and each group worked on a project and presented their work.

HKUST Campus Visit

All F6 students went on a campus visit to Hong Kong University of Science and Technology during their Ethics class on October 3rd, 2023. They listened to talks from a university staff member and a former graduate. The graduate talked about Global Chinese Studies and her experience at HKUST. The students were then split into two groups based on their interests - STEM or Business x Interdisciplinary programs.

The STEM group learned about the first satellite launched by HKUST in a talk shared by Dr. Hui Su, a global STEM professor. They also visited Physics and Civil Engineering labs to see demonstrations and get an idea of what science and engineering courses are like. This helped them understand their future career paths better.

The Business x Interdisciplinary group attended a presentation from the BBA admission office and a professor of the Dual Degree Program in Technology and Management. They also visited the Integrated System & Design (ISD) program's laboratory and had a campus tour to learn about student life at HKUST.

Overall, the campus visit was valuable for the students. They learned about different programs at the university and got a glimpse of student life there.

2023-24 Careers Cycle

The 2023-24 Careers Cycle was successfully organized during the period 17 ˇV 27 Oct for the whole school. Specific life-planning activities and programmes were designed for each form to cater for the studentsˇ¦ needs.

Form 1 ˇV Pictionary about Common Occupations and Extended Video about Special Ones

The Careers Cycle activities for Form 1 included a Pictionary game about some common occupations and an extended video showcasing special occupations. The former helped students learn about different professions through interactive gameplay whereas the latter introduced students to unique career paths, aiming to broaden their horizons. These activities provided Form 1 students with valuable opportunities to explore various jobs and expand their knowledge about potential career choices.

Form 2 - Video Sharing on MBTI and Subject Choice

For F.2, the Careers Prefects prepared 4 informative videos about MBTI and subject choices for students to watch during the Careers Cycle (Oct 16-27). Before watching the videos, the F.2 students completed a personality test (https://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test) so that they could know their MBTI code and understand the video content better. The video included topics on the positive associations between personality types and subjects, which served as a reference for students to consider when deciding on what subjects to study. Also, all subjects in the F.3 & F.4 curriculum were introduced to give students a better idea.

Form 3 - Video Sharing on Academic and Further University Studies Related Topics

The activity for this yearˇ¦s Form 3 students was to watch a video prepared by the Careers Prefects on the differences between the different study streams provided by our school. In the video, they talked about the timeline of each of the streams from Form 4 to 6, the subjects available and their benefits.

Form 4 - Video Sharing on IGCSE and DSE Study Tips

Two videos, one on IGCSE exam skills and one on DSE study tips, were shown to Form 4 DSE and IGCSE classes respectively. The objective of the IGCSE exam skills video was to enhance studentsˇ¦ understanding on (i) IGCSE study skills; (ii) information related to IGCSE exam procedures; (iii) the appeal systems; and (iv) notes about examination. The video for the DSE stream was filmed by former DSE graduates who shared their DSE study path and some insights on preparing the DSE examination. The aim was to prepare the DSE students to have a better understanding about the JUPAS application and how to study DSE effectively.

Form 5 and Form 6 - JUPAS & NON-JUPAS Sharing by Alumni

Four sharing sessions hosted by our alumni were arranged in the evening (5-6 pm) via zoom, which were very popular among our F5 and F6 students. In addition to information related to the university programmes, they also talked about their personal experiences in preparing the exam (AL & DSE) and university applications.

British Council x DSSSC UK University Fair

On September 22, 2023, we had the pleasure of attending a UK university fair organized by the British Council and the DSSSC. The fair featured 50 UK university representatives, and we had the opportunity to ask questions and engage with student representatives to learn more about their university experiences. We received comprehensive and informative answers, allowing us to gain a deeper understanding of our programs of interest, including details about the application process, scholarship eligibility, and campus facilities.

Furthermore, we had the chance to explore the benefits of placement years and how they can positively impact graduates' careers. These placement years provide practical skills, industry exposure, and networking opportunities, significantly enhancing future career prospects. Our conversations with the representatives were eye-opening and provided valuable insights, guiding us in making informed decisions and improving our overall application process.

Junior Researcher Mentoring Program (PolyU) 2023

Cynthia Wan from F.4L has completed the Junior Researcher Mentoring Program 2023 (JRMP) with the project related to family resilience of Hong Kong low-income families. The JRMP is organized by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the closing ceremony was held on 18 August, at the PolyU campus.

The program aims to deepen studentsˇ¦ understanding of their chosen research topic, nurture secondary studentsˇ¦ analytical and research skills, as well as paving their path to university. Cynthia has involved in the project for around five months, experiencing the full process of research including academic paper reading, data collection and organization. Her passion for research and performance are highly acknowledged by the professors.