St. Paul's Convent School
Fee Remission Self Assessment Platform
學費減免自我評審平台 2024-25

Please enter the amount up to the nearest dollar: 請輸入準確至個位的金額:
Family Members:
(c) Depending Children (including student-applicant)
受供養的子女 (包括申請學生):

定義 definition

Average monthly adjusted family income means applicant family's (including the total of the applicant and his/her spouse, and 30% of unmarried child/children residing with the family if applicable) salary, allowances and other income (see Annex) received or receivable during the 12 months from 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024 divided by 12.


Note 1: Full-time Education
註一: 全日制教育

Full time education is defined as day courses lasting for 1 year or more, with 5 meetings per week, each lasting for 3 hours or more.
全日制教育是指為期1 年或以上,每星期須上課5 次而每次超過3 小時的日間課程。

Note 2: Vocational, Technical and Post-secondary Institutes Operating Full-time courses
註二: 開辦全日制課程的職業、工業及專上院校

Note 3: Vocational, Technical and Post-secondary Institutes or Special Training Institute Operating Part-time Courses
註三: 非全日制的職業或特殊訓練院校