The Sky

The sun is a glob of paint smudged at dawn

The sun at sunset is a bouncing ball, gone?

The clouds are light, little pieces of bread

The clouds are soft pillows on a huge blue bedspread

The moon is the blond ponytail of the goddess of the night

The moon is the mother, guiding her stars to light

The stars are a million diamonds, on velvet black they lie

The stars are small mirrors to brighten up our sky

By Allison Tang, Stephanie Kwong (2A)




























































*Once upon a time

When the weather was fine

There was a sun * clap * * clap *

With a face like a bun?*

He looked like a crook

Straight out of a book

But he was as gentle as a lamb

And he loved to go to camp

He drove across the sky

In his car that could fly

And from the dawn till the night

He made this peculiar flight

*Once upon a night

When the sky still had light

There was a moon * clap * * clap *

And the sky was her room*

She put on make-up

While drinking 7-up

But she put on so much powder

That her face was as white as flour

She had a face like a moon cake

All ready to bake

She's married to the Sun

Who thinks she's great fun

*Once upon a day

When the sky was grey

There was a cloud * clap * * clap *

Who was so proud*

He was always moody

His clothes were always sooty

He liked to cry on people

And on houses and church steeples

He was very, very fluffy

But his eyes were very puffy

Because he always cried

Until his eyes were dry

*Once upon a night

When the weather was right

The stars came out * clap * * clap *

And ran about! *

Before the moon, brushed her hair

The sky was nothing but dark and bare

But afterward with a little “puff?

From her hair, came dandruff

They spread around the dark, bare sky

Looking for a place to lie

First they roamed around like cars

And then afterwards, they became stars

That's the legend of the four

We hope you didn't find it a bore

This is where our story ends

Goodbye to you and take care my friends!

~ The End ~

By Denise Chan, Karen Ho & Jane Kwan (2A)


Every night when I look in the sky,

I see you

You seem to be a friend of mine

At night, when I'm lonely, when I cry,

I find you

All my worries seem to be fine

You're so gentle and kind,

And so graceful and wise

And thanks for always giving me the best advise

You are a mirror,

Which never tells lies

You are an angel,

Who always stays by my side

Thanks for being my friend,

And I hope our friendship will never end

By Karen Chu (2A)




Night Sky

Stars are millions of torches in the sky,

Glowing in the dark like an army in the woods

Children with dazzling white kites,

Running with joy on the hilltop

Or mysterious black cats, with glowing yellow eyes,

Sitting straight on the roof, looking proudly at the sky

The Moon is a mother in an armchair,

Thinking of her daughter in a faraway country,

Or gazing tenderly at her baby,

Sleeping peacefully in her arms

And the new moon is a Santa Claus in a sleigh,

Thinking what to give to his loving children

By Kathy Leung, Cavell Au (2A)


The Happy Face

The moon is my guardian angel,

She shines above me ever so bright,

I share with her my deepest thoughts,

I talk to her every night

When I look out of my window,

And see her smiling down at me,

I feel so very contented,

And safe under her guidance

I look up into the night sky,

Just to see her happy face,

Then I go back to bed,

Soon fast asleep...

By Jocelyn Ho, Vivian Chang (2A)