1-2 Mar 170th Anniversary Celebration - Family Fun Day    3 Mar Holiday - The day following Family Fun Day     7 Mar DIP 10     14 Mar DIP 11     21 Mar DIP 1223 Mar F.2 STP Beijing Study Tour     28 Mar DIP 13 1-2 Mar 170th Anniversary Celebration - Family Fun Day    3 Mar Holiday - The day following Family Fun Day     7 Mar DIP 10     14 Mar DIP 11     21 Mar DIP 1223 Mar F.2 STP Beijing Study Tour     28 Mar DIP 13

SPCS is located in a densely populated area of Causeway Bay. (Click here to view the location map.) Together with the private primary and pre-school section and St. Paul’s Hospital which adjoins a chapel
 and a sesquicentennial garden
, the entire compound takes up an area of 7000 square metres.

The Secondary, Primary and Pre-school Sections have their own separate buildings. There are two school halls, one each for the Secondary and the Primary. The Secondary School hall consists of a balcony as well and can accommodate over a thousand students. Apart from the school hall which is also used for indoor sports, there are also an indoor heated swimming pool, a covered playground, one netball/basketball court and a garden for recreation. The teaching block includes thirty-four classrooms, six science laboratories, a school library , a multi-media self-access learning centre (MMLC), an information technology learning centre (ITLC), a quality kitchen and other ‘key learning areas’ special rooms for english, chinese, mathematics, humanities and religious studies. Moreover, some recent additions include a dance studio, a video-broadcasting studio and a Media Laboratory on the 6th floor.

Our School Improvement Programme (SIP) was completed in June 2005. It is a seven-storey block which integrates with our existing school campus. It houses a Student Activity Center on the second floor, and a Computer Assisted Learning (CAL) Laboratory, a Preparation Room and a Language Laboratory on the third floor. The fourth floor consists of an art room and its display area, while the fifth floor comprises a music room and its storeroom. The sixth floor features the Staff Room and Staff Common Room with pantry. The roof has been transformed into a Classroom of the Future which boasts an extended skylight feature, along with renewable solar panels. At the lobby entrance, there stands a fountain that operates on renewable solar energy. Eventually, this area will become an environmental gallery in which environmental models and equipment will be displayed and used for educational purposes.


Christ the King Chapel, a magnificient place for prayer, is next to our school building. Mass of the Holy Spirit, Chrismas Mass, Mass on St. Paul’s Day and Friday Masses are held here every year.

Smart Oasis

Smart Oasis is a three-storey building which integrates nature and technology all within one building. We also call this building ‘Smart CITIES’ which stands for the Center for Integration for Technology, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability.

Sesquicentennial Garden

On 12th November 2004, we had our Tree Planting Day and the opening of our Sesquicentennial Garden, which was one of our highlights of the 150th Anniversary of our school. This garden not only marks the launch of our school’s effort in being a Green School, but also provides a beautiful space for our leisure activities.

School Hall

The Secondary School Hall consists of a balcony and can accommodate over a thousand students. Not only for various school functions, it is also used for indoor sports sometimes.

Indoor Swimming Pool

We work in partnership with Hoi Tin Swimming Club in maintaining our school swimming pool. To enhance our partnership, our pool has been upgraded to a heated pool, all the changing rooms have been renovated with new lockers. It is of great benefit to the school as we can use the pool during the day for our swimming classes with Hoi Tin providing two life-guards, as specified by law, together with professional instructors for our school swimming team morning practice.


There are nearly 17,000 books and audiovisual materials, and more than 20 computers in our library. Our library catalog is fully computerized since 1995. You may visit our School Library Homepage for more detail.

Classroom of the Future

Classroom of the Future is located on the 7th floor of our new block (SIP). Its design is inspirational and environmental and can readily adapt to educational and technological changes. (Innovation designs for Schools: Classroom of the Future, Department of Education and Skills UK, 2004) It provides Paulinians with an environment that is both functional and stimulating, and facilitates various patterns of group work that promotes creativity, critical thinking, problem solving and communication skills for global learning. It extends students beyond the traditional classroom setting while leveraging off advanced technology. Furthermore, it demonstrates the re-cycling of solar energy by activating a fountain and different equipment at the lobby entrance of the seven-storey block, as well as supplying energy for the movable light boxes that serve as partitions when required.

Chinese Medicine Research Centre

This room is equipped with standard laboratory furniture and advanced analytical research instruments for techniques such as High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). Our Chinese Medicine Team will conduct research on Chinese medicine authentication and studies on the active ingredients of Chinese herbs here.

Hydroponic Research Centre

Students can explore the impact of urbanisation on farming and food safety, identified problems through hands-on work, and found solutions to problems all on their initiative in this hydroponic lab.

Multi-Media Self-access Learning Centre (MMLC)

The Multi-Media Self-access Learning Centre (MMLC) was opened on 29th October, 1999. There are 42 computers with various CD-ROMs, video clips, educational software and packages as well as virtual recorders for students to learn languages themselves. Moreover, SmartCards were first used to unlock the doors of the MMLC.

ITLC – Information Technology Learning Centre

ITLC is a well-equipped computer room consists of 42 computers. It is similar to MMLC, but ITLC is for self-access learning of information technology while MMLC is for self-access learning of language. Some classes have their computer lessons here.

Quality Kitchen

Our former cookery room is now a brand new Quality Kitchen, with a luxurious model home. Other than the improvement of the cooking facilities, a computer and a video projector were also installed in the kitchen for the students to present Home Economics projects. Students enjoy having their cookery lessons in this well-equipped kitchen very much. To see more pictures, visit our Home Economics Department website.

Dance Studio

Our new Dance Studio was completed in 2003, the Dance Team have their practices here instead of in the hall. With the new Dance Studio, our school Dance Team will have more room to do their best.

Media Laboratory

Media Laboratory is a special room for creative media classes. It is a well-equipped room with more than 20 computers, video cameras and other aided equipments. There is a video-broadcasting studio next to it which helps to monitor the video shooting there.

Student Activity Center

Our new Student Activity Center is on the second floor of the SIP block. Students are free to use the room for student activity, including drama practice, speech rehearsal, DIP sessions and prefect activities.

Computer Assisted Learning (CAL) Laboratory

The Computer Assisted Learning (CAL) Laboratory is a well-equiped computer room located on the third floor of our new block. There are 40 computers installed with software for creative media, such as Kar2ouche and Movie Maker. Students have their creative media lessons here as well.

Staff Common Room

Our Staff Common Room, located on the 6th floor of our new block, provides staff with a very comfortable and spacious environment for meetings, group work, guest functions and lunch gatherings.

Category: School Profile
9 March 2025
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