The Hong Kong Student Science Project Competition (HKSSPC) 2024 was jointly organized by The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, the Education Bureau and the Hong Kong Science Museum, and sponsored by the Innovation and Technology Commission. The Initial Judging cum Project Exhibition occurred on 27th July at the HKFYG Jockey Club M21, while the Final Judging cum Awards Presentation Ceremony was held on 4th August at the Hong Kong Design Institute. 8 SPCS teams joined this competition. They have obtained outstanding results in both junior and senior sections. The awardees were:
Senior Investigation Division – Second Runner-up and the Sustainable Development Award
Natasha Ip (F.5A), Jocelyn Lee (F.5P), Fiona Lee (F.5A) and Audrey Li (F.5A)
Winning Project: From Waste to Wonder – Exploring Fermentation for Eco-friendly Upcycling
Junior Invention Division — First Runner-up
Helen Chou (F.3S), Madelyn Keung (F.3S) and Yanna Wong (F.3S)
Winning Project: RenewaBrew
Scientific Wallchart Division
First Prize
Monica Pei (F.5S)
Second Prize
Michelle Yeung (F.5S)
All the above winners were awarded medals, certificates and book coupons.
Congratulations to all winners!