The 6th Greater Bay Area STEAM Excellence Award 2024 (HKSAR)is organized by HKNETEA and supported by the Education Bureau (EDB), Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC), and Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO). The award aims to enhance students’ creativity and innovation while recognizing young STEM talents for their efforts.
The final presentation was held online on 22 May 2024, and the award presentation ceremony is scheduled for 26 August 2024.
We are pleased to announce that Cheryl Chan (F.3T), Evia Tai (F.3P), and Ingrid Fung (F.3A) were awarded the Bronze Award for their project “SeniorSpeak,” while Jannis Chou (F.3A) and Alice Wang (F.3L) also obtained the Bronze Award for their project “TuneAlert.”
Congratulations to all the winners!