The Youth College (International) Innovation x Technology Competition 2024 aimed to foster students’ observation skills, problem-solving abilities, and creative thinking. Participants were encouraged to utilize their STEM knowledge and skills to identify environmental issues or areas for improvement within their … Continue reading

香港浸會大學與 香港遊樂場協會合辦的「跨學科·Co-Explore」全港中學生創作大賽 桌遊設計比賽(2023/24學年)提供了一個寶貴機會讓學生發揮創意、探討未來職業的可能性,並且於學科融合。比賽及頒獎典禮已於二零二四年七月六日於香港浸會大學舉行,中三保蘇妍正和劉佳源、以及中三德梁心澄和王晨萱 於跨學科桌上遊戲創作比賽中,創作了命名為「夢?」的桌上遊戲,躋身入圍全港十六強,並獲得了 「最具跨學科元素獎」 。全港入圍作品將於十月五日至十月六 旺角The Forest展示給公眾。恭賀得獎的同學 !

The Creative Infographic Design Competition, organized by the Education Bureau, aims to promote students’ interest in learning mathematics and increase their awareness of the practical applications of mathematics in various aspects of real life. The prize-giving ceremony for this competition … Continue reading