第二屆全球機械人挑戰賽旨在鼓勵學生學習編程,並讓學生展示他們跨學科的專業知識和創意。參賽隊伍透過設計及編程Marty 機械人進行舞蹈表演。挑戰賽結果已於二零二四年十二月三日公佈,本校同學於初中SCRATCH組別中獲得優異成績: 本校同時獲得中學組最積極參與學校獎。恭賀得獎的同學﹗

AI Everywhere Robotics eSports Invitational 2024 (GBA) is organized by INTEL, HKU & CETIC. The competition emphasized the importance of STEAM principles and aims to promote innovation at the intersection of esports and edutainment, challenging students to develop and showcase … Continue reading

Two groups of students, totaling 15 participants, recently took part in the Technology for the Future: Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Summer Camp. The camp was held on 15-17 July and 18-22 July, with each group attending three full-day classes. Organized … Continue reading

本校中四級同學七十人,於七月四日至七月九日,北上香港科技大學(廣州)參與本年度AI夏令營。期內參觀大型商企如小鵬匯天、廣汽公司,公共業務如第四資源發電廠、廣東科學中心,城市文化體驗如沙面文創區、永慶坊、石室聖心大教堂 ; 校園內亦學習科普知識如機器人發展、新世代低空經濟、AI 藝術前境探索等。同學享受嶄新學習環境,吸收最新科技知識,培養群體互助意識,寓學習於遊歷,此等試後活動,全面啟發同學心智,拓寬人生視野。