Photo Gallery 18-19 |
FORM 1 |
Money Management by Ms. Bonnie Chen on 26-9-18 |
Distinguishing “wants” from “needs” will help you realize how much power and control you have over your own budget |
男女大不同 by HK Catholic Marriage Advisory Council on 22-10-18 |
Men and women are TOTALLY different. Without a concentrated effort to understand them, it is nearly impossible to have a happy marriage. |
FORM 2 |
戀愛亂愛 by HK Catholic Marriage Advisory Council on 23-10-18 |
“What is real love? Does it involve sacrifice or compromise?” |
網絡欺凌 by Action Health on 26-11-18 |
“What can you do to prevent cyber crime and cyber bullying?” |
FORM 3 |
真愛值得等by HK Catholic Marriage Advisory Council on 12-10-18 |
Love is worth waiting for. Please be patient because all good things really do come in time. |
Photo Gallery 14-15
FORM 1 |
Talk on Self Adjustment by Ms. S. Man on 14-9-14 |


“Do you have any difficulties in adapting
the new studying environment?” |
“Here are the major doubt of F.1 students..........” |
Talk on “Money Management” by Ms. B. Chen on 18-11-14 |


Do You Know the Difference Between Wants and Needs? A need is something you have to have, something you can't do without; a want is …………. |
“Here are some tips to spend your money wisely.” |
Talk on 網入妄為 by Ms. Fung of Action Health 7-11-14 |


“Internet crime is any crime or illegal online activity committed on the Internet, through the Internet or using the Internet.” |
Health Promotion Talk by HKU Nursing students on 12&3-3-15 |


Talk on Weight Management |
Talk on Healthy Eating |
FORM 2 |
Talk on “你快樂嗎?by Otsuka Pharmaceutical on 5-2-15 |


“It is no coincidence that the happiest people in the world have many things in common. There are certain things they do, ways they behave and things they believe in that all work together to create the perfect foundation for an amazing and fulfilled life.” |
Photo Gallery 13-14 |
FORM 1 |
Talk on Money Management by Ms. B. Chen on 12-9-13 |


“What do you use your money on?” |
“I spend my money wisely, like………” |
Social Etiquette Talk by Ms. Lee of Sanofi on 8-10-13 |


Social Etiquette Talk helped to upgrade the social skills of our students. |
Talk on “Internet Crime” by Ms. Fung Kwok Ching of Action Health on 29-10-13 |


“Computer crime refers to any crime that involves a computer and a network.” |
Talk on “Body Developing” by Wacoal on 8-11-11 |


“Want to know how to measure your breast and waist correctly?" |
FORM 2 |
Talk on “Slimming” by Ms. Ho of HEDA on 11-11-13 |


“Slimming culture is not a correct or healthy trend for you
as it may affect your personal growth.” |
Talk on “Mental Health” by Action Plan on 29-11-13 |


“Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel and act as we cope with life.” |
“Careers Talk” by Ms. Bonnie Chen (School Social Worker) 17-2-14 |


“You should start to think about what you would like to do,
then you can make a right career choice . |
F.3 |
Talk on “Sex Education” by Generation Life from USA on 10-10-13 |


Generation Life is a movement of young people committed to building a Culture of Life by educating our peers on the pro-life and chastity messages.
“Careers Talk” by Ms. Bonnie Chen (School Social Worker) 21-11-13 |


“Circle 10 characteristic from the “Self Exploration List which best describes you.
The cross five characteristic that are not relevant to your personalities.” |
Form 1 to Form 4 |
“Reading Talk” by Ms. Fan Kim Miu 23-10-13 |


Ms. Fan used innovative way to introduce new books to our students. |
Health Lesson conducted by Health Department |


Students enjoyed the lessons and activities very much. |
Photo Gallery 11-12 |
FORM 1 |
Talk on “2Ps & 4Rs” by Ms. G. Pow on 2-9-11 |


“2Ps & 4Rs are…………..” |
“We should not talk to stranger….” |
Fire Safety Talk by Fire Service Department on 23-9-11 |


Fire Safety talk provides safety tips and fire prevention information for our students. |
Talk on Self Adjustment by Ms. Y. Lau on 18-11-11 |


“Do you have any difficulties in adapting
the new studying environment?” |
“When I am sad, I will………” |
Talk on “Body Developing” by Wacoal on 8-11-11 |


“Want to know how to measure your breast and waist correctly?" |
Talk on “How to be a good lady?” by Mrs. V. Wong on 29-11-11 |


“A woman should be polite, have very good etiquette and be respectful of others.” |
Let’s pick their wrongdoing in the role play. |
FORM 2 |
Talk on “2Ps & 4Rs” by Ms. G. Pow on 5-9-11 |


“Jaywalking is dangerous……..” |
“We should not bring valuable items to school…...” |
Talk on “正向增值法” by Mr. Edwin Au of Healing Musical Club on 10-10-11 |


“How do you deal with your anger & how do you face your adversity?” |
“I think emotion is ……” |
F.3 |
Talk on “90後與社會抗爭” by Mr. Au Yeung Ka Woo of
The Society for True & Light on 31-10-11 |


“What’s your impression of the post 90s?” |
“I think they are………” |
Talk on “2Ps & 4Rs” by Ms. G. Pow on 20-11-11 |


“Do you know what your right and responsibilities are?” |
GALLERY 10-11 |
One |
on Adjustment by our social worker, Ms. Y. Lau on 18-10-10 |
That's today content. |
"I know, I know, 7C's should be creativity, charity, competence,......" |
on Road Safety and Self Protection by Sergent Wong
on 5-11-10 |
Sergent taught us how to avoid sexual harassment. |
"If I find ...... then what should I do? " |
on Body Developing by Wacoal on 16-11-10 |
There are three stages of breast development ....... |
"It is not so embarrass to ask question like this." |
Two |
on "Easy ways to Happiness" by St. James Settlement
on 28-10-10 |
"It's easy to be happy, just like me!" |
Guest speakers teach us a new way of thinking: "Challenge" negative thoughts. |
"I feel good when ......" |
ABC model helps us manage our thoughts and feelings. |
Talk on Food and Environment Hygiene on 8-11-10 |
"Do you know how to keep our body healthy? " |
Our honourable guest speaker Ms. Leung. |
on Environmental Protection by Dr. Chan
on 19-11-10 |
"Today I will give you tips to go green ......" |
Our honourable guest speaker Dr. Chan. |
GALLERY 09-10 |
One |
on Road Safety & Self Protection by Sergeant Wong on 10-9-09 |
of the stranger! |
on Adjustment by social worker Ms. Y. Lau on 22-9-09 |
They are the prize winners. |
were very zealous to discuss. |
shared their feelings towards new life in F.1. |
on Body Developing by Wacoal on 6-10-09 |
on First Aid by St. John Ambulance on 27-10-09 |
on Spine Care Talk by Dr. Wan on 25-1-10 |
You have a very good posture. |
do some relaxation exercises! |
Two |
on 正向心理之快樂原來好簡單 by St. James’ Settlement on 16-10-09 |
is Happiness? |
can't describe happiness accurately in words, but what I can
do is share the understanding I have gained in hard time and
exploration of what happiness is. |
on 健康就是美 by HK Eating Disorders Association on 17-11-09 |
is beauty? Are there objective standards of beauty? |
on “Time Management” by Ms. Inez Wong on 4-1-10 |
focus one thing that should be done! Top priority is urgent
and important thing! |
Three |
on 自我形象與濫藥 by Community Drug Advisory Council on 19-10-09 |
No To Drugs. Say Yes To Life" |
on 壓力與情緒管理 by St. James Settlement on 5-1-10 |
you know what is in the box? |
That’s the correct “Breathing Method”. |
on “知足感恩” by Happy Tree on 18-1-10 |
GALLERY 08-09 |
One |
on Self Adjustment by School Social Worker Y. Lau on 3-10-08 |
on Self Protection by Sergeant Wong on 21-10-08 |
on 今日中國貧與富 by World Vision on 6-11-08 |
on The Developing Body by Bouluxe on19-1-09 |
on Spine Care Talk by Dr. Wan on16-3-09 |
Two |
on Self Management by School Social Worker Y. Lau on18-11-08 |
on Peer relationship by School Social Worker Y. Lau on 20-1-09 |
Three |
on Stress Management Talk by School Social Worker Ms. Y. Lau
on 6-10-08 |
Talk by School Social Worker Ms. Y. Lau on12-2-09 |