Catholic Activities E-LearningAims & Objectives Department Members


Photo by Br. Lawrence Lew, O.P.



A ) Aims & Objectives:

Alongside the school theme 2024-25 “Innovating Today Transforming Tomorrow” we have the following aims for our department:

B) Aims of Religious Studies:

1.   To focus on, integrate into and develop the 2024-2025 School year theme “Innovating Today Transforming Tomorrow”
2.   To strengthen the ethical value on simple living so as to help them to nurture global citizenship which embrace peace and environmental conservancy as a way of life.
3.   To strengthen the ethical value on simple living so as to help them to nurture global citizenship which embrace peace and environmental conservancy as a way of life.
4.   To prepare for the HKDSE ERS and GCE AS Curriculum so as to prepare them a successful future in tertiary education.
5.   To enhance quality of excellence through the implementation of the Four Key Tasks in daily teaching and learning:
i. Civic and Moral education;
ii. Project Learning;
iii. Reading to learn;
iv. IT in interactive learning (mobile learning and iPad)
6. To continue the infusion of the IGCSE RS Curriculum into the local HKDSE curriculum.
7. To attain all round education through the promotion of the departmental theme on ‘We are called to be Saints’ in helping students develop explore on who they are and their goal of life and how to achieve a virtuous life so as to attain unity within self, God and others and work for the well-being of self, God and others.
7. To incorporate the Habits of Mind in the Curriculum.
8. To develop students’ interest in studying the Bible.
9. To help students in the development of leadership skills.
10. To encourage students to enquire into the nature of religious faith of the Bible.
11. To help students to learn about the relevance of the religious faith to their own situations.
12. To help Catholic students in the awareness of their mission.
13. To develop students to become responsible citizens in a changing world.

C).  Major Concerns:
1. Work collaboratively and effectively to make the 170th Anniversary celebration events successful and memorable for the Paulinian family.
2. Continue to uphold the excellent academic and non-academic standard of Paulinians through school-based curricular, pedagogies and activities that prepare students for their future pursuits.
3. Introduce gradually the learning of a third language for each student so that each is ready for taking up responsible posts in the Belt and Road countries when opportunities arise.
4. Infuse the 4 Rs of Rest, Relaxation, Relationships and Resilience into school life to promote well-being for both students and staff.
5. To enhance quality of excellence
i. Through empowering our RS Teachers and Catholic Leaders in their mission of evangelization.

ii. To empower the leaders of religious clubs in the mentoring of their members.

iii. To provide guidance to Catholic students in helping their spiritual growth

iv. To promote high order questioning skill among students and teachers

v. To promote interaction among students and students as well as teachers and students.

vi. To improve our present practice so as to improve our school development