Reading Culture
Reading Analysis
Ask students to form a group from 3 to 5 people and choose the same book of either type and assign each person of different task for the purpose of reading and then they finish the book report individually according to the assigned task. A Group Proposal Form should be filled in beforehand and then small group sharing can be conducted after they have finished reading.
1. Character
Derive one specific aspect of a particular character or a group of characters and give 2-3 examples to substantiate such conclusion.
Derive several aspects of a particular character and give 1-2 examples each to substantiate such conclusion.
2. Knowledge/Procedures/
Knowledge should be categorized under different sub-headings.
Procedures/Story should show a kind of flow or time-line and should be concise.
Summary should be concise and supported by ample examples.
3. Relevant information/example
Compare and contrast information or examples reviewed from the book with current issues/historical events of similar nature. 4. Proposed title/heading/topic
Titles/headings/topics of different chapters should be concise, explicit and descriptive. 5. Story Board/Slogan/Book Mark Design
Slogan should be concise, explicit, descriptive and most important all eye-catching.
Storyboard should show a sequential flow of the story.
An eye-catching picture together with a slogan can be designed on a book mark in order to introduce the most interesting part of the book.
6. Lesson learnt
Derive message/messages through investigation of other current issues/histroical events of similar nature as well to make the conclusion more accountable.