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Talk by Higginbottom

Visit to ESF Schools

Visit to Singapore

Visitors from Singapore

Visit To Singapore

32 teachers from Shung Tak Catholic English College and St. Paul's Convent School visited 3 schools in Singapore, namely "Bendemeer School", "St. Anthony Canossian Secondary School", and "Maris Stella Higher School".

Area of Curriculum Delivery
Good Practices
English Across Curriculum

Singapore is a multi-racial city populated with a majority of Chinese, most of the citizens speak Mandarin (Singapore version) as their first language and English as the second language at home. However, students speak English as their first language inside classroom and they are not allowed to speak own native language outside classroom at school. Therefore, EAC is not the major issue that the schools should address, they neither have a distinct policy nor teaching- learning strategies on EAC.

All students can speak fluent English as it is used as the common language of social communication among students with different racial and cultural background.

IT in Curriculum
In general, teachers rarely use information technology in teaching. Some science teachers, like Physics and Biology, may use readily available CD rom produced by textbook publisher for teaching. However, they may not be able to use the IT materials effectively. For example, they neither provide enough 'pause' time for students to discuss nor check students' understanding of the projected materials; the font size of projected words are too small for students to read. Sometimes , they just let students use CD rom for self-learning. Data logging system was ordered but has not been practiced.
Project Work /Library Support Service

Project work is organized across Form 1 to 3 classes in post-examination period at Bendemeer. This inter-class project work can provide diversified sources of data and aspects of group dynamics for students to develop their generic skill. One teacher supervises only two groups of students.

At St. Anthony, both regular teacher and contracted educator ( recruit persons such as retired army outside school) cooperate to teach subject content and project research skills ( 3 periods ) respectively for students of express group with stronger academic ability. The educator monitors students' project work progress twice a week.

In general, the students can develop extensive reading habit throughout school years.

Teacher- Student Interaction in the Classroom

Students can sit and ask questions to teacher without raising their hands whenever needs arise.

Depending on teaching style of teachers concerned, diverse students' responses can be observed. Students usually participate more actively as a whole if teacher can respond to the question well and vice versa. The 'one way' lecturing style of teacher may suppress students' participation in class.

Some teachers adopt 'one-way' lecturing method to deliver instructional materials prepared by Ministry of Education. It is quite common teaching practice in the senior forms for the teachers need to meet the requirement of examination syllabus.

In 5 to 10 minutes, some teachers ask students to summarize, categorize, read out the main ideas by the end of lesson.

Discipline of Students

Given the strict disciplinary system of Singapore as a country ( all male students should receive compulsory military training service and harsh physical activities such as running around school playground for twenty times, can be administered as punishment in schools ), disciplines of students at school can be maintained effectively.

Focusing on 'student takes responsibility for own action', St. Anthony school offers a 'reflection' session for misbehaved students at the 'thinking room'. Form / home master / mistress concerned requires the students to fill in form describing the nature, reasons, consequences of behaviour and suggested plan for proper behaviour in future. If students still behave improperly for many times, they will be suspended from school. Teacher will hold meeting with the parents to discuss student behaviour at home. Proper guidance services will be offered to students before they can return to school.

Some punishment practices like doing hard physical exercises can be observed at Bendemeer school for misbehaved students.