Enrolment in the school implies the student’s willingness and determination to obey school authorities and abide by all the school regulations. The school reserves the right to require the withdrawal of those students whose behaviour is not in accord with its ideals and standards of conduct. The school considers that it is a serious offence to recruit students for outside activities or organizations without authorization from the school. |
1. |
All students are required to attend school regularly and punctually. Students with attendance lower than 90% may not be allowed to sit for the Final Examination. Medical or dental appointment should not disrupt school attendance. Traffic congestion, distance from school and bad weather which can be foreseen should be taken account of and should not be used as excuses for tardiness. Students who are late for the first and sixth lesson will be regarded as being absent for the morning and afternoon session respectively unless there is a valid reason or medical certificate. |
2. |
In case of legitimate absences, the Form-teacher should be notified by the parents/guardian in writing as soon as possible. Students who are unable to attend class because of sickness are requested to inform their parents/guardians and stay at home until they have recovered, for in the school there is neither a nurse nor a doctor to attend to them. |
3. |
In case of tropical cyclones or heavy persistent rain and no instructions given by Education Bureau, parents are advised to consider the safety of the neighbourhood environment before sending their daughter to school. |
4. |
Recognition will be given not only to outstanding students in the academic field, but also to those who excel in –
5. |
When attending school, students should wear a complete and clean school uniform which includes: in Winter – plain long-sleeved white shirt, navy-blue pleated skirt at knee-length, navy-blue cardigan or blazer, navy-blue or white scarf. (Other colours should not be used.) |
6. |
Permission from the Principal must be obtained:
7. |
Helping to keep the school clean and beautiful is the responsibility of every student. Pick up litter regardless of “who caused it”. |
8. |
Keep your classrooms presentable at all times. Make use of the class bulletin boards for display of work or projects. |
9. |
Help to preserve order in your school by
10. |
Out of respect for the privacy of the staff, do not enter any of the staff rooms, the General Office or the Minor Staff Quarters. |
11. |
Respect your fellow-students by personal cleanliness in the wash-rooms and the swimming pool. |
12. |
Take good care of school furniture and equipment as you would your own.
13. |
Any personal injury occurring on the school premises must be reported to the Principal as soon as possible. Inform teachers or school authorities about events of consequence, i.e. accidents, serious illness, money lost. |
14. |
Lost articles must be handed to the General Office. Do not bring to School unnecessary items like walkman, MD player, jewellery, excess money and literature that has no connection with school work. Teachers have the right to confiscate these items when found within the school premises. |
15. |
Cultivate the virtue of honesty. Anyone caught attempting to play truant, forge signature of another person, or cheat in tests or examinations will be severely dealt with or expelled from school. |
16. |
It is of paramount importance that students make proper and ethical use of the internet and technology. It is a serious offence to post up offensive material that brings disrepute to yourself, your classmates and the school. |
17. |
Little acts of courtesy or thoughtfulness adorn a girl’s personality.
18. |
If you are going to withdraw from school, have the courtesy of bringing a letter from your parent or guardian and presenting it personally to the Principal. Parents/Guardians are also requested to terminate the auto-payment of fees to the school when they withdraw their daughter/ward from the school. |