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Habits of Mind

Our primary focus is to provide a variety of learning experiences, through which students can acquire generic skills such as creativity, analytical skills, independent thinking and critical analysis through biology teaching.

It is our strong belief that we should stimulate our students’ interest and curiosity in Biology in their lower forms, so that they can be motivated and become active learners in their early years. Such an approach will foster independent learning and enable them to deal with change and new situations. They will also be able to examine scientific evidence critically and solve problems in their upper forms.

This year, we will engage our lower form students in “hands-on and minds-on” scientific investigations, in order to provoke their curiosity. For the upper from students, we will engage them in designing and conducting experiments and data analysis, in order to develop their problem solving skills, critical thinking, independent thinking and analytical skills.

Our overall teaching-learning strategies will be the development of a suitable balance between teacher-centered activities vs student-centered activities, to enable students to fully develop their learning skills and potential. To this end, we will introduce a wide spectrum of teaching-learning activities, ranging from teacher-centered activities (e.g. lectures and demonstration), a mixture of student-student and teacher-student interactive learning (e.g. whole class and small group discussion, role play exercise) to student-centered activities (e.g. project work, investigative practical, library and web-search to self study). Our self-study assignments will be designed to reinforce students’ classroom learning, stimulate their thinking and require collection and synthesis of information from different sources (e.g. competition and debate of contemporary issues in biology). Marks will also be given for presentation, to provide incentive to use English and IT in the curriculum.


Habits of Mind

- Persisting
- Managing impulsivity
- Listening with understanding and empathy
- Thinking flexibly
- Thinking about thinking (metacognition)
- Striving for accuracy
- Questioning and posing problems
- Applying past knowledge to new situations
- Thinking and communicating with clarity and precision
- Gathering data through all senses
- Creating, imaging, innovating
- Responding with wonderment and awe
- Taking responsible risks
- Finding humour
- Thinking interdependently
- Remaining open to continuous learning